Tuition is split into eleven equal payments, August through June. Those families on financial aid will have payments September through July due to the timing of finalizing decisions.
Tuition statements are sent home with your child at the beginning of each month-please pay by the 10th of each month. Enrollment/tech fees are included on your statement. You may pay monthly, once a year, or twice a year. If you encounter a hardship, please contact the administrator to discuss your situation.
Saint Basil accepts cash or check, payable in the school office, or debit/credit-please use the link to the right.
Continuous Enrollment Contract
Spanish Continuous Enrollment Contract
Tuition Terms and Contract 2024-2025
Financial Aid Application
Financial Aid Application-Spanish
Before care is offered daily for all students, for $7.00/hour, beginning at 7 a.m. until 7:45 a.m. (when the first bell rings). You may drop your child off and sign them in in the 4 year old preschool room. Before care is offered through the school and run by Ms. Bianca, our 4 year old preschool instructional assistant.
After care is offered daily for all student by Youth Development Company. You may visit their site at:
Any parent wishing to volunteer their time or chaperone events must complete a Protecting God's Children training (VIRTUS), as well as a Criminal Background Check (CBC). To register for VIRTUS, please use the link below to create an account and register for a training session. You may print off the CBC form, complete it, and drop it off in the school office; we will need a copy of your driver's license.