Saint Basil School is blessed with a very active and fun Booster Club. This awesome group of parents work to raise money to enhance the educational experience of our students. They host a number of fundraisers such as Taco Dinner, Wreath and Garland Sale, McTeacher Night, Culvers Night, and our Annual Ribs N Raffle, among others.
These fundraisers help provide many of the "extras" for our teachers and students, such as classroom supplies, various online learning programs, field trips, teacher bonuses, and many others.
The Booster Club is an integral part of our school and we couldn't do what we do without their help!
Want to join? Well, if you're a school parent, you already have! :)
Want to get more involved? Great! Meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month at 7:30 PM. Come join the fun, meet some new people, and connect with those who help make Saint Basil a great place to be!
McTeacher Night - Thursday, September 26, 4:00-7:00 pm at the McDonald's in South Haven